限期完成:set a deadline for completion
实施第一期工程:to implement the Phase I Project
落实计划生育政策:to carry out the family planning policy
执行董事会决议:to execute the resolution of the Board of Directors
推广低碳生活方式:to extend the low-carbon lifestyle
协调双方运输能力:to coordinate the transport capacity of both parties
与供应商协作:to collaborate with the supplier
加强创收能力:to reinforce the income-generating capacity
理顺公司管理框架:to streamline the company’s management framework
整顿房地产业:to regulate the housing and real estate sector
调整经济结构:to adjust the economic structure
促进跨文化交流:to promote cross-cultural exchange
达成交易:to reach a deal or to strike a deal
达成共识:to reach a consensus
如期开工:to commence a project on time or:The project commenced on time
工程按期竣工:The project was completed as scheduled
竣工期不得晚于:The Date of completion shall not be later than
限期完成:set a deadline for completion
实施第一期工程:to implement the Phase I Project
落实计划生育政策:to carry out the family planning policy
执行董事会决议:to execute the resolution of the Board of Directors
推广低碳生活方式:to extend the low-carbon lifestyle
协调双方运输能力:to coordinate the transport capacity of both parties
与供应商协作:to collaborate with the supplier
加强创收能力:to reinforce the income-generating capacity
理顺公司管理框架:to streamline the company’s management framework
整顿房地产业:to regulate the housing and real estate sector
调整经济结构:to adjust the economic structure
促进跨文化交流:to promote cross-cultural exchange
达成交易:to reach a deal or to strike a deal
达成共识:to reach a consensus
如期开工:to commence a project on time or:The project commenced on time
工程按期竣工:The project was completed as scheduled
竣工期不得晚于:The Date of completion shall not be later than