问答 第324页

【逆向物流摘要英文翻译!~高分~】 Reverse Logistics is the reverse with the traditional supply chain, in order to restore or dispose of a reasonable value of raw materia...【亚马逊欧洲站MCF是什么功能?有什么用?】 亚马逊欧洲站发布公告称,推出了一个新功能,该功能帮助卖家创建和管理英国、德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、波兰、荷兰、瑞典和土耳其这些站点的跨亚马逊商店交易。卖家现在无需登录和注销商店特定的卖家中心帐户即可管理在英国、德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、波兰、荷兰、瑞典和土耳其的交易...


Reverse Logistics is the reverse with the traditional supply chain, in order to restore or dispose of a reasonable value of raw materials, inventory between, the final product and related information from the consumer to the starting point for the effective conduct of the actual flows to plan, manage and control process. Reverse Logistics is a modern logistics development trend, it can make a full conservation and use of resources, protect the ecological environment, enhance economic efficiency, enhance competitive advantage. Reverse Logistics as a business value chain, one special aspect of logistics compared with the positive, both in common, but also have their own different characteristics. The two have in common is the packaging, handling, transport, storage, processing and other logistics functions.However, Reverse Logistics and the logistics are also compared with its distinct specificity. Reverse Logistics in the process of implementing the basic principle is prevention more important than ex post treatment that is prevention first, combining prevention with control principle. Since the recycling of various materials often give businesses deal with lot of extra economic loss, which is bound to increase the total supply chain logistics costs, Logistics Management and runs counter to the overall objective. Thus, the production companies want to do a good job of reverse logistics must pay attention to follow the advance guard against re-treatment after the event the basic principles.Circular economy, clean production practices are a vivid example of this principle. In this paper, the meaning of the reverse logistics of departure, through the analysis of China s enterprises to develop awareness of the existence of reverse logistics, legal, information and other aspects of the status quo, made our country the operation of reverse logistics enterprises countermeasures and proposals. [Key words] Reverse Logistics Status Measures
In food industry, a very obvious phenomenon is that the product s life cycle becomes shorter and shorter.This inevitable caused to produce more needless products, packing, return goods and wastes,taken high reverse logistics costs. For mostly enterprises, ceate and persistent apply the best business practice in forward logistics system became very difficult challenge. But for more strenght market ability, enterprises set reverse logistics trategy as an important means to strengthen the competitive advantage, increase customer value and improve the overall performance of the supply chain. Obtain a sound reverse logistics system will be the important condition for enterprise survival. After investigated and analysed the DaQing MiQi company s dayly reverse logistics, we found the problem in the company s reverse logistics, and put forward two feasible resolvents: introduce new production recycle routes and establish eclusive return center.

In food profession, a very obvious phenomenon is the product life cycle becomes more and more short, also inevitable caused to produce more not the product which, the packing, the returned goods needed and wastes. These massive products, the packing, the returned goods carry on returns processing through the reversion physical distribution activity, to make, the marketing, to circulate again again and the garbage disposal, also has brought the high quota reversion physical distribution cost. As for the majority enterprises, the creation and applied the best service practice in the forward physical distribution system already was continually the very arduous challenge, but to have the stronger market ability, the enterprise took the reversion physical distribution strategy its strengthening competitive advantage, increased the customer value, enhanced supplies the chain overall achievements the important means. Will have the consummation reversion physical distribution system will be the enterprise survival important condition. Through to Daqing Rice Flag Company s daily reversion physical distribution s investigation and the analysis, proposed in the company reversion physical distribution exists the question, and aims at the question to provide the feasible solution: Introduces the new product recycling way and the establishment company exclusive centralism returned goods center two improvement measures.
我来吧,保证绝对标准,您直接复制过去就可以用:In food industry, a very obvious phenomenon is that the product s life cycle becomes shorter and shorter.This inevitable caused to produce more needless products, packing, return goods and wastes,taken high reverse logistics costs. For mostly enterprises, ceate and persistent apply the best business practice in forward logistics system became very difficult challenge. But for more strenght market ability, enterprises set reverse logistics trategy as an important means to strengthen the competitive advantage, increase customer value and improve the overall performance of the supply chain. Obtain a sound reverse logistics system will be the important condition for enterprise survival. After investigated and analysed the DaQing MiQi company s dayly reverse logistics, we found the problem in the company s reverse logistics, and put forward two feasible resolvents: introduce new production recycle routes and establish eclusive return center.


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新卖家入驻亚马逊时,不应仅仅关注销量,更要重视亚马逊的考核标准,否则可能面临账号被封的风险。下面我们将深入探讨几个重要的指标。(扫码加入跨境电商精英交流群)订单缺陷率应控制在1%以下,影响这一指标的因素有买家差评、索赔次数和订单拒付情况。一旦订单出现问题,即会被视为有缺陷。了解亚马逊指标对提升排名和Buy Box的重要性,可阅读相关文章。订单取消率应保持在2.5%以内,无论是卖家还是买家取消订单都会影响这一指标,亚马逊每7天更新一次数据。对于FBM卖家,物流迟发率需低于4%,每30天统计一次,卖家可自行设置...




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