
【12组好看的动漫微信头像】 愿你失去的东西都能失而复得,愿你担心的事情都是虚惊一场。May everything you lose be recovered, and may everything you worry about be a false alarm.整理出12组约120张高清无水印的...


愿你失去的东西都能失而复得,愿你担心的事情都是虚惊一场。May everything you lose be recovered, and may everything you worry about be a false alarm.



月亮会感到孤独,星星和你皆是救赎。The moon will feel lonely, the stars and you are redemption.

你眼中星河浩渺,沙河千里,而我眼中只有你。In your eyes there are stars and sand, but in my eyes there are only you.

没有折磨,没有享受,才发现孤独是我的归属。No torture, no enjoyment, only to find that loneliness is my belonging.

我好像总学不会把感情控制的刚刚好。It seems that I can t always control my feelings just right.

一生热爱难回头,与其迁就,不如放手。It s hard to turn back to love in one s life. It s better to let go than to give in.

不喜欢莫名其妙的冷漠,也不喜欢突如其来的温暖。I don t like inexplicable indifference and sudden warmth.

幸好我爱笑,生活才没有那么糟糕。Fortunately, I love to laugh, life is not so bad.

我等了很久,期盼星星出来,后来天亮了。I waited a long time for the stars to come out, and then it was dawn.

吸引一个人最好的方式,是独立自主,而非刻意谄媚。The best way to attract a person is to be independent, not obsequious.

足够优秀再大方拥有。Good enough and generous enough.

聚是一团火,散是满天星。Gather is a fire, scatter is a star.